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Simplify Your Path to DSCSA Compliance with Pulse.

Through your Pulse profile, you will have access to trading partners across the drug supply chain to seamlessly communicate across the industry. Explore how Pulse’s features and integrations can protect patients through a secure, connected system.

Pulse Profile Access

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Profile Creation in PulseClaim your profiles associated with your licensed facilities or create organization-level profiles to represent business units, divisions, and organizations.
Show Authorized Trading Partners (ATP) StatusSurface your ATP Status to provide transparency for other trading partners.
DSCSA Operational ToolsEstablish an operational hierarchy for your profiles in Pulse to assist with DSCSA compliance.
View Profile InformationShare business identifiers and preferred contacts to streamline interoperability. Allow regulators and industry to simplify outreach and exceptions.
Profile and Privacy ManagementSet preferences and privacy controls for your profile.

Search Trading Partners

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Search PulseSearch Pulse for trading partner information, such as Global Locator Number (GLN), state license information, anticipated interoperability dates, and contact information.

Validate Trading Partners

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Confirm ATP StatusQuery the ATP status for any trading partner.
Check LicensureVerify the licensure of any facility.
Identity ValidationConfirm a person or user is associated with a Pulse profile.

Integrate With Solution Providers

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License Checks with Automated IntegrationUse an API for license checks.
ATP Status Checks with Automated IntegrationUse an API for ATP Status checks.


To further our mission to protect public health, our focus is to provide tools and resources to the trading partner community at no or low cost to help secure our nation’s supply chain. We provide additional value-added services, like license and ATP Status checks for a low fee.

Purchase license or ATP Status checks using “Pulse Points.” Pulse Points can be added by the owner of the profile through the Manage Profile page. Once you have added Pulse Points to your profile, any of the profile’s users can redeem them for paid services within Pulse.

License Check$0.40
(0.4 Pulse Points)
ATP Status Check$1.50
(1.5 Pulse Points)

Additional Resources

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Support Center

For more information about Pulse Points, read our FAQs.

Read FAQs
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Contact Us

Reach out to the Pulse team with any questions about purchasing Pulse points or to learn about our subscription model for value-added features

Contact the Pulse team